Hi there! Thank you for exploring this corner of the internet I hope you find what you are looking for. My name is Natalie, a passionate, dedicated Prenatal and Baby Nutrition Consultant
I am committed to empowering individuals on their journey to better health and well-being on their pregnancy and motherhood journey. With a deep-rooted belief in the transformative power of nutrition, I am here to guide you on a personalized path to supporing vitality for both you and your baby.
My Journey
From my earliest days, a profound maternal instinct has woven itself into my being, as I lovingly cared for baby dolls and the infants around me. The echoes of this instict have shaped my life's path, guiding me towards a hearfelt aspiration: to become a mother.
Early passions
Embarking on this path wasn't an easy one for me as I was faced with 2 pregnancy losses and as a result riddled with anxiety.
Loss & grief
I found my brave to try again and navigated the uncertainty of moving thorugh each trimester being cautiously optimistic. I welcomed my rainbow baby into the world in April of 2022 in my home at the time @the.cabinonthehill with my incredible midwife, birth attendant, partner and my own Mama by my side.
Finding my brave
My birth team was filled with compassion, support, informed choice, encouraging self advocacy. I felt called to take my personal life learnings and experience and move into a professional space supporting pregnancy and babies with their own nutrition paths.
Rainbow baby
I enrolled at the school of Oh Baby Nutrition when my daughter turned one and here we are! This journey has led me to specialize as a Prenatal and Baby Nutrition Consultant. Armed with a Bachelor's degree, complimented by certifications in Health Coaching and Mental Health Care, I have navigated a meandering road
Professional steps
that has ultimately led me right here, where I am meant to be- ready to serve and support you! My pursuit of knowledge and expertise has equipped me to guide you through the intricate realm of nutrition, pregnancy and the remarkable world of babies. I am honoured to be your companion on this transformative journey through pregnancy and into motherhood.